
Showing posts from July, 2019

Things to know about: Budget 2019-20

Budget Calculation  With the Modi government, the budget 2019-20 has impacted greatly on the economy. The finance ministry invests some that can affect the fiscal deficit. The former finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, gave a traditional budget with an ease in the FDI norms.  The money supply is influenced while getting lower profits, and the cost capital of the industry is also increased. The former government forces claim that this budget is meant for all. Modi government has come with a public-friendly budget plan. With previous studies revealed that there was a backdrop in the history of slowed down foreign investment. Savepro  explains what are the key highlights of this budget is aiming to alter India into a fast-forwarded nation. 1. Electric vehicles: Customs duty will be further exempted on a few parts of the full-fledged vehicle. The finance minister has given a rebate of up to INR 1.5 Lakh on interest to buy these electric vehicles. W...


Public Provident Fund  When it comes to investing money, we are drenched in a pool of options. Many of these are successful in ticking off almost all the conditions such as high returns, low risk, feasibility in the liquidity of portfolio, and tax saving. A mutual fund is said to be the ideal investment option in the current scenario. To make the picture more transparent, we at Savepro  are going to compare mutual fund investment with other investment avenue– PPF. Mutual Fund  I.MUTUAL FUNDS VS. PUBLIC PROVIDENT FUND (PPF) PPF is a savings scheme which accumulates savings and provides a reasonable interest rate along with tax benefits. Mutual funds, on the contrary, are offered by asset management companies and designed to cater to the needs of the investor based upon his risk taking capacity. They try to invest the corpus of the fund in stocks, bonds, government securities, and money market instruments to accomplish investor’s fin...

How to avoid too much debts?

Debts can be stressful  It just takes a swipe to make transactions here and there! Until you realise ‘it’ has compiled too much on your shoulders and it’s already too late. Millennials do not realise how much starve themselves financially. While some had a poor financial history and they are in debt since centuries, and some go on wasting every penny and get wasted without being anxious. The pro-tip is not to let this pressure get over your head and heels in the first place! It is a trap, and once you’re stuck within the realms, it is difficult to get out from it. Savepro  gives you some tips on how can you save yourself from debts and unwanted trouble. 1. Make a budget It is necessary to have a budget and remain limited to that. Keep a realistic budget and do all your expenses in that budget constraint itself. Be it luncheons, parties, shopping, loan payments, EMIs, etc.; try creating a planner where you can jot down all your monthly expenses and then ca...