How to avoid too much debts?

Debts can be stressful 
It just takes a swipe to make transactions here and there! Until you realise ‘it’ has compiled too much on your shoulders and it’s already too late. Millennials do not realise how much starve themselves financially. While some had a poor financial history and they are in debt since centuries, and some go on wasting every penny and get wasted without being anxious.

The pro-tip is not to let this pressure get over your head and heels in the first place! It is a trap, and once you’re stuck within the realms, it is difficult to get out from it. Savepro gives you some tips on how can you save yourself from debts and unwanted trouble.

1. Make a budget

It is necessary to have a budget and remain limited to that. Keep a realistic budget and do all your expenses in that budget constraint itself. Be it luncheons, parties, shopping, loan payments, EMIs, etc.; try creating a planner where you can jot down all your monthly expenses and then calculate how much do you usually spend over. Once you adhere to your budget plan, you’ll be able to cut down on your financial decisions.

2. Get set with SAVING!

Don’t get shocked when we say financial or life crisis does happen in life? Be it any unexpected expenses, with a planned budget you’ll save when the real-life emergency comes! It will help you from getting off the debts. For e.g., if your salary is 1Lakh per month, and expenses are 30-40 thousand every month, then you can save the remaining amount. Take baby steps and start with small amounts, or you can also start with a savings account!

3. Say NO to impulsive purchases!

Yes, we know the phrase that is coming by: The heart’s wants , what it wants! It’s not okay to buy designer stuff all the time. Remember that you need to save more so that you can live the rest of your life without any worry. Cut all the irrelevant costs and save more!

4. Keep a check on all your credit card transactions

This is something which we’re not considerate about at first, and then think about it later when we need to pay the bills again. There are few credit cards that usually alter their interest rate with no grace period and additionally, the charges are like scams!

As you grow, your money should also grow. Hence, start saving at an early age. Speak to an expert for any queries; you may contact us at (+91) 9810634314 or mail us at


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