Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds
Mutual funds that we traditionally know of are concerned with two types of funds, equity and debt. Both the funds carry pros and cons. If you wish to remove the drawbacks that each of these funds carries and keep your investment safe, then go for hybrid mutual funds. Hybrid mutual funds are sure to make your investments more reliable and profitable than the traditional funds.

Before Savepro makes you understand the worth of hybrid mutual funds, lets us first know what equity mutual funds and debt mutual funds are.

In the case of equity mutual funds, the investments are made in stocks and equity shares of companies in order to seek capital appreciation. Though the risk is high,this fund has more significant potential to generate high returns.

Debt mutual funds majorly invest in debt securities, corporate bonds, treasury bills, and money market instruments in a view to generating regular income.Though they are far less risky compared to equity funds, they lack the earning potential that equity funds have.

Hybrid mutual funds try to bridge the gap between the two by diversifying the investments. They have the best of the two schemes. Hybrid funds achieve capital appreciation through equity investments, and stability and returns through investments in debt instruments. The fund houses ensure maximum profits at minimum risk through asset allocation, market analysis, and portfolio diversification.

Equity-oriented and debt-oriented hybrid mutual funds are classified depending on the fund invested in each of these funds. When over 65% pure investment is done in equity funds and the remaining in debt instrument, it is known as an equity-oriented hybrid mutual fund. Conversely, the one where over 65% pure investment is done in debt instruments and the remaining in the equity fund, it is called as a debt-oriented hybrid mutual fund.

Investment in hybrid mutual funds is on the rise these days among risk-averse investors since these funds try to multiply the wealth and minimize risk.

In order to reap the benefits of the two different worlds, investment acumen and experience of investing in different asset classes are required. The scheme needs to be managed in such a way that it generates capital appreciation in the long term and income in the short term. For long-term appreciation, the scheme will invest in equity stocks of companies, and for short term returns, the plans will invest in debt instruments or government bonds.


Hybrid mutual funds have been designed for a broad spectrum of investors.  Depending upon the fund mandate and the type of fund, fund houses efficiently allocate funds in the right proportion between different asset classes and companies.
The market houses seasoned investors who have been investing for quite sometime despite positive or negative gains. If they decide their risk profile and goals,hybrid plans offer assured benefits in their next investments.
One can totally rely on hybrid mutual funds for their benefits, such as active risk management, portfolio diversification, and asset allocation.


If you've made up your mind for investing in hybrid mutual funds, you can optfor two different ways given below:
- Lump sum investment
- Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
1) Lump Sum Investment: As the name suggests, if you have a lump sum amount to invest, you can invest it in a single go in this fund.
2) SIP: If you wish to invest a small amount on regular intervals for a specific period, you can go for SIP. You can arrange auto deduction of a certain amount from your account say for the next six months or so.


1) Equity-oriented Hybrid Mutual Funds:
This is a balanced funds scheme which assigns over 65% of the investment resources in purchasing equity stocks of companies. The balancing 35% or so is invested in debt securities or other opportunities. This permits the investor to discover the possibility of high returns and reduce exposure to the risk at the same time.

2) Debt-oriented Hybrid Mutual Funds:
This can be termed as a monthly income plan, which assigns over 75% of their sources in bonds, treasury bills, money market instruments, and other debt instruments. The remaining 25% or less is allocated in equity stocks on companies and cash/cash equivalents. This plan is suitable for those who seek regular income in the form of a dividend that is paid out at different intervals. The dividend payment depends on the investor’s choice - annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or even monthly. You can also go for a “growth option” by reinvesting the dividends for capital appreciation.

3) Arbitrage Funds:
In this method, the same shares are sold and purchased simultaneously indifferent markets in order to exploit the difference in the trade value of the shares to generate profitable gains. In this fund, shares are bought in the cash market and simultaneously sold in the future markets to make use of the price differential to create a profit.

How do arbitrage funds work?

Suppose you purchase Rs 10,000 worth of equity in the cash market. You will own the shares of the target company as soon as the trade is complete.The future market reflects the projected value of the stock on a specific date in the future, based on the calculations.
So, decide carefully, in which instrument you will be investing? If not, a small tip for you,‘please read all scheme-related documents carefully’ and then go ahead with the plan. Don’t forget to give us a call in case you have any issues!

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